Ann Neeson Original Artwork
orange bird with blue feathers

Ann Neeson Original Artwork

Ann is an accomplished artist supported by Sense Scotland Arts Team.  Ann has a natural ability to translate whatever her subject matter is into beautiful stylized images.

Ann likes to draw and paint from reality and is happiest with a cup of tea in one hand and a paintbrush in the other. She loves to experiment with colour and line and some of her favorite materials to use are pastels, watercolours and inks. Recently, Ann has been experimenting with using glass, creating striking pieces from initial sketches that are bold in shape, form and character. Ann’s artwork has a distinctive rhythm and her eye for colour is excellent.

This original artwork is offered as a 5″ x 7″ greeting card, blank for your own text and with an envelope. It is also available as an A4 print.

We can include a message printed in Braille. Please email us if you would like to add this: fundraising@sensescotland.org.uk
